]> wagner.pp.ru Git - oss/catdoc.git/blob - charsets.c
[oss/catdoc.git] / charsets.c
1 /*
2   Copyright 1998-2003 Victor Wagner
3   Copyright 2003 Alex Ott
4   This file is released under the GPL.  Details can be
5   found in the file COPYING accompanying this distribution.
6 */
7 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
8 #include <config.h>
9 #endif
10 #include <stdio.h>
11 #include <string.h>
12 #include <stdlib.h>
13 #include "catdoc.h"
15 char *charset_path=CHARSETPATH;
16 char *source_csname=SOURCE_CHARSET, *dest_csname=TARGET_CHARSET;
17 short int * source_charset;
18 int unknown_as_hex=0;
19 char bad_char[]=UNKNOWN_CHAR;
20 CHARSET target_charset;
21 /************************************************************************/
22 /* Converts char in input charset into unicode representation           */
23 /* Should be converted to macro                                         */
24 /************************************************************************/
25 int to_unicode (short int *charset, int c) {
26         return charset[c];
27 }
28 /************************************************************************/
29 /* Search inverse charset record for given unicode char and returns     */
30 /* 0-255 char value if found, -1 otherwise                              */
31 /************************************************************************/
32 int from_unicode (CHARSET charset, int u) {
33         short int *p;
34         /* This is really assignment, not comparation */
35         if ((p=charset[(unsigned)u>>8])) {
36                 return p[u & 0xff];
37         } else {
38                 return -1;
39         }
40 }
41 /************************************************************************/
42 /*  Converts direct (charset -> unicode) to reverse map                 */
43 /************************************************************************/
44 CHARSET make_reverse_map(short int *charset) {
45         CHARSET newmap=calloc(sizeof(short int *), 256);
46         int i,j,k,l;
47         short int *p;   
48         if (! charset) {
49                 return NULL;
50         }       
51         for (i=0;i<256;i++) {
52                 k= charset[i];
53                 j=  (unsigned)k>>8;
54                 if (!newmap[j]) {
55                         newmap[j] = malloc(sizeof(short int *)*256);
56                         if (!newmap[j]) {
57                                 fprintf(stderr,"Insufficient memory for  charset\n");
58                                 exit(1);
59                         }
60                         for (l=0,p=newmap[j];l<256;l++,p++) *p=-1;
61                 }
62                 p=newmap[j];
63                 p[k & 0xff]=i;
64         }
65         return newmap;
66 }
68 /************************************************************************/
69 /* Reads charset file (as got from ftp.unicode.org) and returns array of*/
70 /* 256 short ints (malloced) mapping from charset t unicode             */
71 /************************************************************************/
72 short int * read_charset(const char *filename) {
73         char *path;
74         FILE *f;
75         short int *new=calloc(sizeof(short int),256);
76         int c;
77         long int uc;
78         path= find_file(stradd(filename,CHARSET_EXT),charset_path);
79         if (!path) {
80                 fprintf(stderr,"Cannot load charset %s - file not found\n",filename);
81                 return NULL;
82         }
83         f=fopen(path,"rb");
85         if (!f) {
86                 perror(path); 
87                 return NULL;
88         }
89         if (input_buffer)
90                 setvbuf(f,input_buffer,_IOFBF,FILE_BUFFER);
91         /* defaults */
92         for (c=0;c<32;c++) {
93                 new[c]=c;
94         }
95         while (!feof(f)) {
96                 if (fscanf(f,"%i %li",&c,&uc)==2) {
97                         if (c<0||c>255||uc<0||(uc>0xFEFE&& uc!=0xFFFE)) {
98                                 fprintf(stderr,"Invalid charset file %s\n",path);
99                                 fclose(f);
100                                 return NULL;
101                         }
102                         new[c]=uc;
103                 }
104                 while((fgetc(f)!='\n')&&!feof(f)) ;
105         }
106         fclose (f);
107         free(path);
108         return new;
109 }
112 /************************************************************************/
113 /* Reads 8-bit char and convers it from source charset                  */
114 /************************************************************************/
116 int get_8bit_char (FILE *f,long *offset,long fileend)
117 {
118         unsigned char buf;
119         if (catdoc_read(&buf, 1, 1, f)==0) return EOF;
120         (*offset)++;  
121         return to_unicode(source_charset,buf);
122 }
125 /************************************************************************/
126 /* Reads 16-bit unicode value. MS-Word runs on LSB-first machine only,  */
127 /* so read lsb first always and don't care about proper bit order       */
128 /************************************************************************/
130 int get_utf16lsb (FILE *f,long *offset,long fileend) {
131         unsigned char buf[2];
132     int result;
133         result=catdoc_read(buf, 1, 2, f);
134         if (result<0) {
135                 perror("read:");
136                 exit(1);
137         }
138         if (result !=2) {
139                 return EOF;
140         }       
141         (*offset)+=2;
142         return ((int)buf[1])|(((int)buf[0])<<8);
143 }
145 /************************************************************************/
146 /* Reads 16-bit unicode value written in MSB order. For processing 
147  * non-word files            .                                          */
148 /************************************************************************/
149 int get_utf16msb (FILE *f,long *offset,long fileend) {
150         unsigned char buf[2];
151     int result;
152         result=catdoc_read(buf, 1, 2, f);
153         if (result<0) {
154                 perror("read:");
155                 exit(1);
156         }
157         if (result !=2) {
158                 return EOF;
159         }       
160         (*offset)+=2;
161         return ((int)buf[0])|(((int)buf[1])<<8);
162 }
164 int get_utf8 (FILE *f,long *offset,long fileend) {
165         unsigned char buf[3];
166         int d,c;
167     int result;
168         result=catdoc_read(buf, 1, 1, f);
169         if (result<0) {
170                 perror("read");
171                 exit(1);
172         }       
173         if (result==0) return EOF;
174         c=buf[0];
175         d=0;
176         if (c<0x80) 
177                 return c;
178         if (c <0xC0) 
179                 return 0xfeff; /*skip corrupted sequebces*/
180         if (c <0xE0) {
181                 if (catdoc_read(buf+1, 1, 1, f)<=0) return EOF;
182                 return ((c & 0x1F)<<6 | ((char)buf[1] & 0x3F));
183         }
184         if (c <0xF0) {
185                 if (catdoc_read(buf+1, 1, 2, f)<=2) return (int)EOF;
186                 return ((c & 0x0F)<<12)|
187                         ((buf[1] & 0x3f)<<6)|
188                                          (buf[2] & 0x3f);
189         }  
190         return 0xFEFF; 
191 }
193 /**************************************************************************/
194 /*  Converts unicode char to output charset sequence. Coversion have      */
195 /*  three steps: 1. Replacement map is searched for the character in case */
196 /* it is not allowed for output format (% in TeX, < in HTML               */
197 /* 2. target charset is searched for this unicode char, if it wasn't      */
198 /*  replaced. If not found, then 3. Substitution map is searched          */
199 /**************************************************************************/
200 char *convert_char(int uc) {
201         static char plain_char[]="a"; /*placeholder for one-char sequences */
202         static char hexbuf[8];
203         char *mapped;
204         int c;
205         if ((mapped=map_subst(spec_chars,uc))) return mapped;
206         if (target_charset) { 
207                 c =from_unicode(target_charset,uc);
208                 if (c>=0) {
209                         *plain_char=c;
210                         return plain_char;
211                 }
212                 if ((mapped = map_subst(replacements,uc))) return mapped;
213                 if (unknown_as_hex) {
214                         sprintf(hexbuf,"\\x%04X",(unsigned)uc);
215                         /* This sprintf is safe, becouse uc is unicode character code,
216                            which cannot be greater than 0xFFFE. It is ensured by routines
217                            in reader.c
218                            */
219                         return hexbuf;
220                 }   
221                 return  bad_char;
222         } else {
223                 /* NULL target charset means UTF-8 output */
224                 return to_utf8(uc);
225         }  
226 }
227 /******************************************************************/
228 /* Converts given unicode character to the utf-8 sequence         */
229 /* in the static string buffer. Buffer wouldbe overwritten upon   */
230 /* next call                                                      */
231 /******************************************************************/ 
232 char *to_utf8(unsigned int uc) {
233         static char utfbuffer[4]; /* it shouldn't overflow becouse we never deal
234                                                                  with chars greater than 65535*/
235         int count=0;
236         if (uc< 0x80) {
237                 utfbuffer[0]=uc;
238                 count=1;
239         } else  {
240                 if (uc < 0x800) {
241                         utfbuffer[count++]=0xC0 | (uc >> 6);
242                 } else {
243                         utfbuffer[count++]=0xE0 | (uc >>12);
244                         utfbuffer[count++]=0x80 | ((uc >>6) &0x3F);
245                 }           
246                 utfbuffer[count++]=0x80 | (uc & 0x3F);
247         }  
248         utfbuffer[count]=0;
249         return utfbuffer;
250 }    
252 struct cp_map {
253         int codepage;
254         char *charset_name;
255 };
257 struct cp_map cp_to_charset [] = {
258         {10000,"mac-roman"},
259         {10001,"mac-japanese"},
260         {10002,"mac-tchinese"},
261         {10003,"mac-korean"},
262         {10004,"mac-arabic"},
263         {10005,"mac-hebrew"},
264         {10006,"mac-greek1"},
265         {10007,"mac-cyrillic"},
266         {10008,"mac-schinese"},
267         {10010,"mac-romania"},
268         {10017,"mac-ukraine"},
269         {10021,"mac-thai"},
270         {10029,"mac-centeuro"},
271         {10079,"mac-iselandic"},
272         {10081,"mac-turkish"},
273         {10082,"mac-croatia"},
274         {20866,"koi8-r"},
275         {28591,"8859-1"},
276         {28592,"8859-2"},
277         {28593,"8859-3"},
278         {28594,"8859-4"},
279         {28595,"8859-5"},
280         {28596,"8859-6"},
281         {28597,"8859-7"},
282         {28598,"8859-8"},
283         {28599,"8859-9"},
284         {28605,"8859-15"},
285         {65001,"utf-8"},
286     {0,NULL}};
287 const char *charset_from_codepage(unsigned int codepage) {
289         static char buffer[7];
290         struct cp_map *cp;
291         if (codepage==1200||codepage==1201) {
292                 /* For UCS2 */
293                 return "";
294         } else 
295         if (codepage<10000) {
296                 sprintf(buffer,"cp%d",codepage);
297                 return buffer;
298         } else {
299                 for (cp = cp_to_charset;cp->codepage!=0&& cp->codepage!=codepage;cp++);
300                 return cp->charset_name;
301         }
302 }