]> wagner.pp.ru Git - oss/ctypescrypto.git/blob - ctypescrypto/bio.py
[oss/ctypescrypto.git] / ctypescrypto / bio.py
1 from ctypescrypto import libcrypto
2 from ctypes import c_char_p, c_void_p, c_int, string_at, c_long,POINTER,byref, create_string_buffer
3 class Membio:
4         """ 
5                 Provides interface to OpenSSL memory bios 
6                 use str() or unicode() to get contents of writable bio
7                 use bio member to pass to libcrypto function
8         """
9         def __init__(self,data=None):
10                 """ If data is specified, creates read-only BIO. If data is
11                         None, creates writable BIO, contents of which can be retrieved by str() or unicode()
12                 """
13                 if data is None:
14                         method=libcrypto.BIO_s_mem()
15                         self.bio=libcrypto.BIO_new(method)
16                 else:
17                         self.bio=libcrypto.BIO_new_mem_buf(c_char_p(data),len(data))
18         def __del__(self):
19                 """
20                 Cleans up memory used by bio
21                 """
22                 libcrypto.BIO_free(self.bio)
23                 del(self.bio)
24         def __str__(self):
25                 """
26                 Returns current contents of buffer as byte string
27                 """
28                 p=c_char_p(None)
29                 l=libcrypto.BIO_ctrl(self.bio,3,0,byref(p))
30                 return string_at(p,l)
31         def __unicode__(self):
32                 """
33                 Attempts to interpret current contents of buffer as UTF-8 string and convert it to unicode
34                 """
35                 return str(self).decode("utf-8")
36         def read(self,length=None):
37                 """
38                 Reads data from readble BIO. For test purposes.
39                 @param length - if specifed, limits amount of data read. If not BIO is read until end of buffer
40                 """
41                 if not length is None:
42                         if type(length)!=type(0):
43                                 raise TypeError("length to read should be number")
44                         buf=create_string_buffer(length)
45                         readbytes=libcrypto.BIO_read(self.bio,buf,length)
46                         if readbytes==-2:
47                                 raise NotImplementedError("Function is not supported by this BIO")
48                         if readbytes==-1:
49                                 raise IOError
50                         if readbytes==0:
51                                 return ""
52                         return buf.raw[:readbytes]
53                 else:
54                         buf=create_string_buffer(1024)
55                         out=""
56                         r=1
57                         while r>0:
58                                 r=libcrypto.BIO_read(self.bio,buf,1024)
59                                 if r==-2:
60                                         raise NotImplementedError("Function is not supported by this BIO")
61                                 if r==-1:
62                                         raise IOError
63                                 if (r>0):
64                                         out+=buf.raw[:r]
65                         return out      
67         def write(self,data):
68                 """
69                 Writes data to writable bio. For test purposes
70                 """
71                 if isinstance(data,unicode):
72                         data=data.encode("utf-8")
73                 r=libcrypto.BIO_write(self.bio,data,len(data))
74                 if r==-2:
75                         raise NotImplementedError("Function not supported by this BIO")
76                 if r<len(data):
77                         raise IOError("Not all data were successfully written")
78         def reset(self):
79                 """
80                 Resets the read-only bio to start and discards all data from writable bio
81                 """
82                 libcrypto.BIO_ctrl(self.bio,1,0,None)
83 libcrypto.BIO_s_mem.restype=c_void_p
84 libcrypto.BIO_new.restype=c_void_p
85 libcrypto.BIO_new.argtypes=(c_void_p,)
86 libcrypto.BIO_ctrl.restype=c_long
87 libcrypto.BIO_ctrl.argtypes=(c_void_p,c_int,c_long,POINTER(c_char_p))
88 libcrypto.BIO_read.argtypes=(c_void_p,c_char_p,c_int)
89 libcrypto.BIO_write.argtypes=(c_void_p,c_char_p,c_int)
90 libcrypto.BIO_free.argtypes=(c_void_p,)
91 libcrypto.BIO_new_mem_buf.restype=c_void_p
92 libcrypto.BIO_new_mem_buf.argtypes=(c_char_p,c_int)
93 libcrypto.BIO_ctrl.argtypes=(c_void_p,c_int,c_int,c_void_p)