]> wagner.pp.ru Git - oss/ctypescrypto.git/blob - ctypescrypto/x509.py
[oss/ctypescrypto.git] / ctypescrypto / x509.py
1 from ctypes import c_void_p,create_string_buffer,c_long,c_int,POINTER,c_char_p
2 from ctypescrypto.bio import Membio
3 from ctypescrypto.pkey import PKey
4 from ctypescrypto.oid import Oid
5 from ctypescrypto.exception import LibCryptoError
6 from ctypescrypto import libcrypto
7 class X509Error(LibCryptoError):
8         """
9         Exception, generated when some openssl function fail
10         during X509 operation
11         """
12         pass
15 class X509Name:
16         """
17         Class which represents X.509 distinguished name - typically 
18         a certificate subject name or an issuer name.
19         """
21         PRINT_FLAG=0x10010
22         ESC_MSB=4
23         def __init__(self,ptr=None,copy=False):
24                 """
25                 Creates a X509Name object
26                 @param ptr - pointer to X509_NAME C structure (as returned by some  OpenSSL functions
27                 @param copy - indicates that this structure have to be freed upon object destruction
28                 """
29                 if ptr is not None:
30                         self.ptr=ptr
31                         self.need_free=copy
32                         self.writable=False
33                 else:
34                         self.ptr=libcrypto.X509_NAME_new()
35                         self.need_free=True
36                         self.writable=True
37         def __del__(self):
38                 """
39                 Frees if neccessary
40                 """
41                 if self.need_free:
42                         libcrypto.X509_NAME_free(self.ptr)
43         def __str__(self):
44                 """
45                 Produces an ascii representation of the name, escaping all symbols > 0x80
46                 Probably it is not what you want, unless your native language is English
47                 """
48                 b=Membio()
49                 libcrypto.X509_NAME_print_ex(b.bio,self.ptr,0,self.PRINT_FLAG | self.ESC_MSB)
50                 return str(b)
51         def __unicode__(self):
52                 """
53                 Produces unicode representation of the name. 
54                 """
55                 b=Membio()
56                 libcrypto.X509_NAME_print_ex(b.bio,self.ptr,0,self.PRINT_FLAG)
57                 return unicode(b)
58         def __len__(self):
59                 """
60                 return number of components in the name
61                 """
62                 return libcrypto.X509_NAME_entry_count(self.ptr)
63         def __cmp__(self,other):
64                 """
65                 Compares X509 names
66                 """
67                 return libcrypto.X509_NAME_cmp(self.ptr,other.ptr)
68         def __eq__(self,other):
69                 return libcrypto.X509_NAME_cmp(self.ptr,other.ptr)==0
71         def __getitem__(self,key):
72                 if isinstance(key,Oid):
73                         # Return first matching field
74                         idx=libcrypto.X509_NAME_get_index_by_NID(self.ptr,key.nid,-1)
75                         if idx<0:
76                                 raise KeyError("Key not found "+repr(Oid))
77                         entry=libcrypto.X509_NAME_get_entry(self.ptr,idx)
78                         s=libcrypto.X509_NAME_ENTRY_get_data(entry)
79                         b=Membio()
80                         libcrypto.ASN1_STRING_print_ex(b.bio,s,self.PRINT_FLAG)
81                         return unicode(b)
82                 elif isinstance(key,int):
83                         # Return OID, string tuple
84                         entry=libcrypto.X509_NAME_get_entry(self.ptr,key)
85                         if entry is None:
86                                 raise IndexError("name entry index out of range")
87                         obj=libcrypto.X509_NAME_ENTRY_get_object(entry)
88                         nid=libcrypto.OBJ_obj2nid(obj)
89                         if nid==0:
90                                 buf=create_string_buffer(80)
91                                 len=libcrypto.OBJ_obj2txt(buf,80,obj,1)
92                                 oid=Oid(buf[0:len])
93                         else:
94                                 oid=Oid(nid)
95                         s=libcrypto.X509_NAME_ENTRY_get_data(entry)
96                         b=Membio()
97                         libcrypto.ASN1_STRING_print_ex(b.bio,s,self.PRINT_FLAG)
98                         return (oid,unicode(b))
100         def __setitem__(self,key,val):
101                 if not self.writable:
102                         raise ValueError("Attempt to modify constant X509 object")
103 class X509_extlist:
104         def __init__(self,ptr):
105                 self.ptr=ptr
106         def __del__(self):
107                 libcrypto.X509_NAME_free(self.ptr)
108         def __str__(self):
109                 raise NotImplementedError
110         def __len__(self):
111                 return libcrypto.X509_NAME_entry_count(self.ptr)
113         def __getattr__(self,key):
114                 raise NotImplementedError
115         def __setattr__(self,key,val):
116                 raise NotImplementedError
121 class X509:
122         """
123         Represents X.509 certificate. 
124         """
125         def __init__(self,data=None,ptr=None,format="PEM"):
126                 """
127                 Initializes certificate
128                 @param data - serialized certificate in PEM or DER format.
129                 @param ptr - pointer to X509, returned by some openssl function. 
130                         mutually exclusive with data
131                 @param format - specifies data format. "PEM" or "DER", default PEM
132                 """
133                 if ptr is not None:
134                         if data is not None: 
135                                 raise TypeError("Cannot use data and ptr simultaneously")
136                         self.cert = ptr
137                 elif data is None:
138                         raise TypeError("data argument is required")
139                 else:
140                         b=Membio(data)
141                         if format == "PEM":
142                                 self.cert=libcrypto.PEM_read_bio_X509(b.bio,None,None,None)
143                         else:
144                                 self.cert=libcrypto.d2i_X509_bio(b.bio,None)
145                         if self.cert is None:
146                                 raise X509Error("error reading certificate")
147         def __del__(self):
148                 """
149                 Frees certificate object
150                 """
151                 libcrypto.X509_free(self.cert)
152         def __str__(self):
153                 """ Returns der string of the certificate """
154                 b=Membio()
155                 if libcrypto.i2d_X509_bio(b.bio,self.cert)==0:
156                         raise X509Error("error serializing certificate")
157                 return str(b)
158         def __repr__(self):
159                 """ Returns valid call to the constructor """
160                 return "X509(data="+repr(str(self))+",format='DER')"
161         @property
162         def pubkey(self):
163                 """EVP PKEy object of certificate public key"""
164                 return PKey(ptr=libcrypto.X509_get_pubkey(self.cert,False))
165         def verify(self,store=None,key=None):   
166                 """ 
167                 Verify self. Supports verification on both X509 store object 
168                 or just public issuer key
169                 @param store X509Store object.
170                 @param key - PKey object
171                 parameters are mutually exclusive. If neither is specified, attempts to verify
172                 itself as self-signed certificate
173                 """
174                 if store is not None and key is not None:
175                         raise X509Error("key and store cannot be specified simultaneously")
176                 if store is not None:
177                         ctx=libcrypto.X509_STORE_CTX_new()
178                         if ctx is None:
179                                 raise X509Error("Error allocating X509_STORE_CTX")
180                         if libcrypto.X509_STORE_CTX_init(ctx,store.store,self.cert,None) < 0:
181                                 raise X509Error("Error allocating X509_STORE_CTX")
182                         res= libcrypto.X509_verify_cert(ctx)
183                         libcrypto.X509_STORE_CTX_free(ctx)
184                         return res>0
185                 else:
186                         if key is None:
187                                 if self.issuer != self.subject:
188                                         # Not a self-signed certificate
189                                         return False
190                                 key = self.pubkey
191                         res = libcrypto.X509_verify(self.cert,key.key)
192                         if res < 0:
193                                 raise X509Error("X509_verify failed")
194                         return res>0
196         @property
197         def subject(self):
198                 """ X509Name for certificate subject name """
199                 return X509Name(libcrypto.X509_get_subject_name(self.cert))
200         @property
201         def issuer(self):
202                 """ X509Name for certificate issuer name """
203                 return X509Name(libcrypto.X509_get_issuer_name(self.cert))
204         @property
205         def serial(self):
206                 """ Serial number of certificate as integer """
207                 asnint=libcrypto.X509_get_serialNumber(self.cert)
208                 b=Membio()
209                 libcrypto.i2a_ASN1_INTEGER(b.bio,asnint)
210                 return int(str(b),16)
211         @property
212         def startDate(self):
213                 """ Certificate validity period start date """
214                 # Need deep poke into certificate structure (x)->cert_info->validity->notBefore 
215                 raise NotImplementedError
216         @property
217         def endDate(self):
218                 """ Certificate validity period end date """
219                 # Need deep poke into certificate structure (x)->cert_info->validity->notAfter
220                 raise NotImplementedError
221         def extensions(self):
222                 """ Returns list of extensions """
223                 raise NotImplementedError
224         def check_ca(self):
225                 """ Returns True if certificate is CA certificate """
226                 return libcrypto.X509_check_ca(self.cert)>0
227 class X509Store:
228         """
229                 Represents trusted certificate store. Can be used to lookup CA certificates to verify
231                 @param file - file with several certificates and crls to load into store
232                 @param dir - hashed directory with certificates and crls
233                 @param default - if true, default verify location (directory) is installed
235         """
236         def __init__(self,file=None,dir=None,default=False):
237                 """
238                 Creates X509 store and installs lookup method. Optionally initializes 
239                 by certificates from given file or directory.
240                 """
241                 #
242                 # Todo - set verification flags
243                 # 
244                 self.store=libcrypto.X509_STORE_new()
245                 if self.store is None:
246                         raise X509Error("allocating store")
247                 lookup=libcrypto.X509_STORE_add_lookup(self.store,libcrypto.X509_LOOKUP_file())
248                 if lookup is None:
249                         raise X509Error("error installing file lookup method")
250                 if (file is not None):
251                         if not libcrypto.X509_LOOKUP_ctrl(lookup,1,file,1,None)>0:
252                                 raise X509Error("error loading trusted certs from file "+file)
253                 lookup=libcrypto.X509_STORE_add_lookup(self.store,libcrypto.X509_LOOKUP_hash_dir())
254                 if lookup is None:
255                         raise X509Error("error installing hashed lookup method")
256                 if dir is not None:
257                         if not libcrypto.X509_LOOKUP_ctrl(lookup,2,dir,1,None)>0:
258                                 raise X509Error("error adding hashed  trusted certs dir "+dir)
259                 if default:
260                         if not libcrypto.X509_LOOKUP_ctrl(lookup,2,None,3,None)>0:
261                                 raise X509Error("error adding default trusted certs dir ")
262         def add_cert(self,cert):
263                 """
264                 Explicitely adds certificate to set of trusted in the store
265                 @param cert - X509 object to add
266                 """
267                 if not isinstance(cert,X509):
268                         raise TypeError("cert should be X509")
269                 libcrypto.X509_STORE_add_cert(self.store,cert.cert)
270         def add_callback(self,callback):
271                 """
272                 Installs callbac function, which would receive detailed information
273                 about verified ceritificates
274                 """
275                 raise NotImplementedError
276         def setflags(self,flags):
277                 """
278                 Set certificate verification flags.
279                 @param flags - integer bit mask. See OpenSSL X509_V_FLAG_* constants
280                 """
281                 libcrypto.X509_STORE_set_flags(self.store,flags)        
282         def setpurpose(self,purpose):
283                 """
284                 Sets certificate purpose which verified certificate should match
285                 @param purpose - number from 1 to 9 or standard strind defined in Openssl
286                 possible strings - sslcient,sslserver, nssslserver, smimesign,smimeencrypt, crlsign, any,ocsphelper
287                 """
288                 if isinstance(purpose,str):
289                         purp_no=X509_PURPOSE_get_by_sname(purpose)
290                         if purp_no <=0:
291                                 raise X509Error("Invalid certificate purpose '"+purpose+"'")
292                 elif isinstance(purpose,int):
293                         purp_no = purpose
294                 if libcrypto.X509_STORE_set_purpose(self.store,purp_no)<=0:
295                         raise X509Error("cannot set purpose")
296 libcrypto.i2a_ASN1_INTEGER.argtypes=(c_void_p,c_void_p)
297 libcrypto.ASN1_STRING_print_ex.argtypes=(c_void_p,c_void_p,c_long)
298 libcrypto.X509_get_serialNumber.argtypes=(c_void_p,)
299 libcrypto.X509_get_serialNumber.restype=c_void_p
300 libcrypto.X509_NAME_ENTRY_get_object.restype=c_void_p
301 libcrypto.X509_NAME_ENTRY_get_object.argtypes=(c_void_p,)
302 libcrypto.OBJ_obj2nid.argtypes=(c_void_p,)
303 libcrypto.X509_NAME_get_entry.restype=c_void_p
304 libcrypto.X509_NAME_get_entry.argtypes=(c_void_p,c_int)
305 libcrypto.X509_STORE_new.restype=c_void_p
306 libcrypto.X509_STORE_add_lookup.restype=c_void_p
307 libcrypto.X509_STORE_add_lookup.argtypes=(c_void_p,c_void_p)
308 libcrypto.X509_LOOKUP_file.restype=c_void_p
309 libcrypto.X509_LOOKUP_hash_dir.restype=c_void_p
310 libcrypto.X509_LOOKUP_ctrl.restype=c_int
311 libcrypto.X509_LOOKUP_ctrl.argtypes=(c_void_p,c_int,c_char_p,c_long,POINTER(c_char_p))