]> wagner.pp.ru Git - oss/fgis.git/blob - epu/project.c
Added logic to find GDAL installation.
[oss/fgis.git] / epu / project.c
1 #include <stdio.h>
2 #include <stdlib.h>
3 #include <unistd.h>
4 #include <string.h>
5 #include <epp.h>
6 #include <eppl_ut.h>
7 #include <projects.h>
8 #include <getopt.h>
9 #include <sys/mman.h>
10 PJ *in_proj=NULL,*out_proj=NULL;
11 int positive_west=0;/* Whether to adjust west hemisphere coords to range 
12                        180-360 from range -180-0 */
13 EPP *infile,*outfile;
14 /* This function does perform actual projection conversion
15    It computes long/lat data from current cell and then computes
16    cell on input map to get value from */
17 int project_cell(int col, int row, int value) {
18    UV out,ll,in;
19    int in_row,in_col;
20    out.u=alt_xc(outfile,col);
21    out.v=alt_yc(outfile,row);
22    if (out_proj) {
23      ll=pj_inv(out,out_proj);
24    } else {
25        if (positive_west&&out.u>180) {
26            out.u-=360.0;
27        }               
28        ll.u=out.u*DEG_TO_RAD;
29        ll.v=out.v*DEG_TO_RAD;
31    }    
32    if (ll.u == HUGE_VAL || ll.v == HUGE_VAL) {
33      return value;
34    } 
35    if (in_proj) {
36    in=pj_fwd(ll,in_proj);
37    } else {
38        in.u=ll.u*RAD_TO_DEG;
39        if (positive_west && in.u<0) {
40            in.u+=360.0;
41        }           
42        in.v=ll.v*RAD_TO_DEG;
43    }    
44    in_row=epp_row(infile,in.v);
45    in_col=epp_col(infile,in.u);
46    return epp_get(infile,in_col,in_row);
47 }
49 void help(exitcode) {
50    printf("Usage: project [-%%] {-b basefile|-c cellsize -l xl,yb,xr,yt} [-i source_proj]\n\t"
51    "[-p target_proj] -o outfile -O offsite {-r rows_to_cache|-x [tmpdir]} file\n"
52   "Projection definition can be either file name or list of comma separated\n"
53   "name=value pairs. If either input or output projection omitted, it is assumed\n"
54   "to be geographic coords\n");
55   exit(exitcode);
57 PJ* get_projection(const char *source);
58 void expand_epp(EPP *epp,const char *tempdir,int verbose);
59 void check_hemisphere(EPP *epp);
60 int main(int argc,char **argv) {
61 struct option long_options[]={
62   {"help",0,0,1},
63   {"version",0,0,2},
64   {"verbose",0,0,'%'},
65   {"base-file",1,0,'b'},
66   {"cell-size",1,0,'c'},
67   {"source-projection",1,0,'i'},
68   {"output-file",1,0,'o'},
69   {"target-projection",1,0,'p'},
70   {"offsite",1,0,'O'},
71   {"cache-rows",1,0,'r'},
72   {"expand",2,0,'x'},
73   {"limits",1,0,'l'}
74   };
75 char outname[1024]="project.out.epp";
76 char tmpdir[1024]="/tmp";
77 char *basefilename=NULL,*errptr;
78 int limits_flag=0,result,offsite_flag=0,offsite=0,cache_size=0,expand_flag=0;
79 double xright=0,xleft=0,ybottom=0,ytop=0,cellsize = 0;
80 int c,index,verbose=0;
81   while ((c=getopt_long(argc,argv,"c:i:o:p:O:r:x::l:b:%",long_options,&index))
82              !=-1) {
83       switch (c) {
84           case 2: show_version("project","$Revision: 1.1 $");
85           case '%': verbose = 1; break;
86           case 'b' : if (cellsize !=0 || limits_flag) {
87                          fprintf(stderr,"basefile cannot be combined with" 
88                                  "explicit coordinate parameters\n");
89                          exit(1);
90                       }
91                      if (basefilename) {
92                          fprintf(stderr,"Duplicate basefile specification\n");
93                          exit(1);
94                      }           
95                      basefilename=strdup(default_ext(optarg,".epp"));
96                      break;
97           case 'c' : if (basefilename) {
98                        fprintf(stderr,"cannot use cell size and"
99                                       "basefile at the same time\n");
100                        exit(1);
101                      }
102                      cellsize=strtod(optarg,&errptr);
103                      if (*errptr || cellsize<=0) {
104                          fprintf(stderr,"invalid cellsize %s\n",optarg);
105                          exit(1);
106                      }
107                      break;
108           case  'i' : in_proj=get_projection(optarg);
109                       if (!in_proj) exit(1);
110                       break;
111           case 'l' :  if (basefilename) {
112                          fprintf(stderr,"Cannot use both basefile" 
113                                  "and limits\n");
114                          exit(1);
115                       }
116                       if (limits_flag) {
117                           fprintf(stderr,"Duplicate limit specification\n");
118                           exit(1);
119                       }   
120                       xleft = strtod(optarg,&errptr);
121                       while (strchr(",;\n \t",*errptr)) errptr++;
122                       if (!*errptr) {
123                            fprintf(stderr,"Invalid limits");
124                            exit(1);
125                       }            
126                       ybottom = strtod(errptr,&errptr);
127                       while (strchr(",;\n \t",*errptr)) errptr++;
128                       if (!*errptr) {
129                            fprintf(stderr,"Invalid limits");
130                            exit(1);
131                       }            
132                       xright = strtod(errptr,&errptr);
133                       while (strchr(",;\n \t",*errptr)) errptr++;
134                       if (!*errptr) {
135                            fprintf(stderr,"Invalid limits");
136                            exit(1);
137                       }            
138                       ytop = strtod(errptr,&errptr);
139                       if (*errptr) {
140                            fprintf(stderr,"Invalid limits");
141                            exit(1);
142                       }
143                       limits_flag=1;
144                       break;
145           case 'p'  : out_proj=get_projection(optarg);
146                       if (!out_proj) exit(1);
147                       if (!out_proj->inv) {
148                           fprintf (stderr,"Cannot project - inverse "
149                                   "transformation for output projection"
150                                   "unavailable\n");
151                           exit(1);
152                       }
153                       break;
154          case 'o'  : strncpy(outname,default_ext(optarg,".epp"),1023);
155                      outname[1023]=0;
156                       break;
157          case 'O' : offsite = strtol(optarg,&errptr,0);
158                     if (*errptr || offsite<0 || offsite>65535) {
159                          fprintf(stderr,"Invalid offsite value %s\n",optarg);
160                          exit(1);
161                     }
162                     offsite_flag=1;
163                     break;
164          case 'r' : cache_size = strtol(optarg,&errptr,0);
165                     if (*errptr || cache_size<0 || cache_size>30000) {
166                         fprintf(stderr,"Invalid cache size:%s\n",optarg);
167                         exit(1);
168                     }   
169                     break;
170          case 'x' : expand_flag=1;
171                     if (optarg) {
172                        strncpy(tmpdir,optarg,1023);
173                        tmpdir[1023]=0;
174                     }   
175                     break;
176          default: {
177                    help(c==1?0:1);
178          }
179       }                 
180    }     
181    if (cache_size && expand_flag) {
182       fprintf(stderr,"cannot use cache and expanding to temp dir"
183               "simulateously\n");
184       exit(1);
185    }    
186    if (!in_proj) {
187        if (!out_proj) {
188            fprintf(stderr,"Neither input nor output projection specified\n");
189            exit(1);
190        } else {
191         fprintf(stderr,"input projection is not specified, assuming latlong\n");
192        }
193    } else if (!out_proj) {
194        fprintf(stderr,"Output projection is not specified, assuming latlong\n");
195    }
196    if (optind>=argc) {
197        fprintf(stderr,"No input file specified\n");
198        exit(1);
199    }
201    infile=open_epp(default_ext(argv[optind],".epp"));
202    if (!infile) {
203         perror("open input file");
204         exit(2);
205    }
206    if (!in_proj) {
207        check_hemisphere(infile);
208    }   
209    if (cache_size) {
210        set_epp_cache(infile,cache_size);
211    }   
212    if (!offsite_flag) {
213      offsite = infile->offsite;
214    }
215    Create16bit=infile->kind==16;
216    if (basefilename) {
217        EPP *basefile;
218        basefile=open_epp(basefilename);
219        if (!basefile) {
220            perror("open base file");
221            exit(2);
222        }
223        outfile=creat_epp_as(outname,basefile); 
224        if (!outfile) {
225            perror("opening output file\n");
226            exit(1);
227        }   
228            outfile->offsite=offsite;
229        close_epp(basefile);        
230    } else {
231       int rows;int cols;
232       if (!limits_flag || cellsize==0) {
233           fprintf(stderr,"output file geometry is not specified\n");
234           exit(2);
235       }   
236       rows=ceil(fabs(ytop-ybottom)/cellsize);
237       cols=ceil(fabs(xright-xleft)/cellsize);
238       if (ybottom<ytop) {
239           ytop=ybottom+rows*cellsize;
240       } else {
241           ytop=ybottom-rows*cellsize;
242       }
243       if (xleft<xright) {
244           xright=xleft+cols*cellsize;
245       } else {
246           xright=xleft-cols*cellsize;
247       }
248       outfile=creat_epp(outname,1,1,cols,rows,xleft,ytop,xright,ybottom,
249               0,0,offsite);
250       if (!outfile) {
251           perror("opening output file");
252       }   
253    }  
254    if (!out_proj) {
255        check_hemisphere(outfile);
256    }    
257    if (expand_flag) {
258        expand_epp(infile,tmpdir,verbose);
259    }
260    install_progress_indicator(verbose?show_percent:check_int);
261    result=clear_progress(for_each_cell(outfile,project_cell));
262    if (result) {
263        return abs(result);
264    }
265    close_epp(outfile);
266    if (expand_flag) {
267        infile->row=malloc(1);
268        munmap(infile->cache,infile->width*(infile->lr-infile->fr)*
269                sizeof(unsigned short));
270        close(infile->cache_size);              
271    }    
272    close_epp(infile);
273    return(0);
274 }  
276 PJ* get_projection(const char *source) {
277     char *work_area,*token,**args;
278     int argc,limit=16;
279     PJ *pj;
280     if (!strchr(source,'=')) {
281        FILE *f=fopen(default_ext(source,".prj"),"r");
282        int size;
283        if (!f) {
284           perror(default_ext(source,".prj"));
285           exit(2);
286        }
287        fseek(f,0,SEEK_END);
288        size = ftell(f);
289        fseek(f,0,SEEK_SET);
290        work_area=malloc(size+1);
291        if(fread(work_area,1,size,f)!=size) {
292            perror(default_ext(source,"prj"));
293            exit(2);
294        }
295        work_area[size]=0;
296        fclose(f);
297     } else {
298        work_area = strdup(source);
299     }
300     args=calloc(limit,sizeof(char *));
301     argc=0;
302     token=strtok(work_area,",;\n \r\t");
303     do {
304      args[argc++]=token;
305      if (argc>=limit) {
306         args=realloc(args,(limit+=16)*(sizeof(char *)));
307      }
308     } while ((token = strtok(NULL,",;\n \r\t")));
309     pj = pj_init(argc,args);
310     free(work_area);
311     free(args);
312     if (!pj) { fprintf(stderr,"Invalid projection definition: %s\n",
313             source);
314           exit(2);
315     }
316     return pj;
317  }    
318  void position_mmap(EPP *epp,int row) {
319      epp->row=((unsigned short*) epp->cache)+(epp->width)*(row-epp->fr);
320      epp->currentline=row;
321 }     
322 void expand_epp(EPP *epp,const char* tmpdir, int verbose) {
323    int fd,i,k,n,row_size;
324    char tempname[1048]="/tmp";
325    if (tmpdir && *tmpdir) {
326       strcpy(tempname,tmpdir);
327    }
328    strcat(tempname,"/eppXXXXXX");
329    /* We use mkstemp rather than POSIX tmpfile here, becouse we need
330     * to have control over place where file is created. I don't expect
331     * that everybody have few gigabytes free in /tmp for unpacking large
332     * map
333     */
334    fd=mkstemp(tempname);
335    unlink(tempname); 
336    /*file has mode 0666, so it is better to not show it to anyone*/
337    if (verbose) {
338      fprintf(stderr,"unpacking...\n");
339      install_progress_indicator(show_percent);
340    } else {
341      install_progress_indicator(check_int);
342    }   
343    n=epp->lr - epp->fr;
344    row_size=epp->width*sizeof(unsigned short);
345    for (i=epp->fr,k=1;i<epp->lr;i++,k++) {
346        epp_get(epp,epp->fc,i);
347        if (write(fd,epp->row,row_size)!=row_size) {
348            fprintf(stderr,"Not enough space for temporary file\n");
349            exit(2);
350        }   
351        if(EndLineProc(i,k,n)) {
352            clear_progress(1);
353            exit(2);
354        } 
355    }   
356    clear_progress(0);
357    free(epp->row);
358    lseek(fd,0,SEEK_SET);
359    epp->cache=mmap(NULL,row_size*n,PROT_READ,MAP_SHARED,fd,0);
360    if (epp->cache==MAP_FAILED) {
361        perror("mmap");
362        exit(2);
363    }   
364    epp->position=position_mmap;
365    infile->cache_size=fd;
366 }
368 void check_hemisphere(EPP *epp) {
369     if (epp->XLeft>=0 && epp->XRight>=180) {
370         fprintf(stderr,"Western hemisphere coords would be adjusted\n");
371         positive_west=1;
372     }
373 }