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cluster - fills each contour on raster map with its own color


cluster [-v] [-f] input_file [-o output_file ] [-c line_color ] [-T temp_dir]


Paints each area in epp file, surrounded by color line_color by unique color from 1 to maximal contour number. Can handle up to 65535 contours in file.

Requires at least three time more space in temporary directore then input file occupies.

By default assumes that line color is 0 and output file name cluster.out.epp

Performs two passes on input file and between them prints to stdout information about number of contours in output file and temporary numbers assigned when calculating contours. So, redirect standard output, if start cluster in background mode.


Verbose mode. Information about current line in processing is printed to stderr.
-c line_color
- Set contour separation color to line_color.
-o output_file
- overrides default name of output file.
-f input_file
- Equivalent of simple command-line parameter without option prefix.
-? " -h"
- Print brief help message and exit successifully.
-T directory
- Uses directory instead of /tmp for storing temporary files


lessa(1) , mappaint(1) , mapcopy(1) , eheader(1) , epp(5) , dgt(5)


For some unknown reason reports very strange errors (usially page faults) or produces very strange results, when compilied under DOS. So use unix versions.

It seems obvouis, that same program must perform rasterize operation, but this still not implemented.


Vitus Wagner, SoftWeyr.

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