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eheader - display and modify headers of EPPL7 data files


eheader options files

maplist files

mapalign base_file [-v] files


Applies given editing commands to list of epp or dgt files.

Several commands are applicable to both file types and several to epp (raster) files only. No warning is issued when dgt file is processed during section when epp-specific commands used, becouse several epp-files can be processed at same time.

No warning is issued also when no editing commands given, therefore this utility can be used just for viewing header information.

When invoked as maplist, simply dumps headers of given files.

when invoked as mapalign performs same operations as with -A key, but only other option accepted is -v. This option may be given as before, as after base file.


This commands can be applied to both dgt (vector) and epp (raster) files.
- dumps file header information after applying any edit options to stdout.

-x increment
- shifts alternative x by increment. Increment can be any real number, both positive and negative.
-y increment
- same with alternative y
-s factor
- multiplies all coordinates by factor

This commands cannot be used together with explicit settings of some alternative coordinate limit.

-Xl value or -XL value
- sets alternative x of left border to specified value
-Xr value or -XR value
- same with right border
-Yb value or -YB value,-Yt value or -YT
- same with bottom and top y
-p name
- set projection type to name. Available projection types ( EPPL7 version 3.0 ) are:
- cause EPPL ver 3 to say "No alternate coordinates"
utm or UTM
- UTM projection
- state plane (projection for US state maps)
- latitude and longitude (geographic coordinates)


Following is applicable to EPP files only:
-o n
- set offsite value to n. Value can be in range -32768 65535. Negative values are equivalent to 65536-abs(n). Values above 255, applied to 8-bit data files are silently translated into -1 (no offsite)
-fr n
- set first row to n and updates last row field respectively.
-fc n
- set first column to n and updates last column field.
-A filename
- align to specified file, i.e updates row/column coordinates so row and column with same number have same alternative coordinates.
-a value
- set cell area to value.
-c "string"
- fills description field of the header. String must be single command line argument, but not nessecary need quotes.
-u name
- set area unit type, where unit type may be:
- cause EPPL ver 3 to say "No alternate coordinates"
- square feet
- square meters
- square kilometers
mile - square miles
- hectares
- acres

This command does not perform any recalculation, it just update unit name field. Use -a command for change cell area value respectively.


Some options of eheader cannot coexist together in same command line. there are two groups of options with incompatibilities between subgroup of each group.

First, options dealing with alternative coordinates. There are options -Xl -Xr -Yt -Yb, which set alternative coordinates explicitely, and options -x -y -s, which change coordinates by arithmetic calculations. Explicit and arithmetic changes of coordinates are not allowed simulateneously, becouse it is to hard to understand, which kind user want to apply first.

Second, options dealing with row/column coordinates of epp files. Here there are options -A and -fr -fc which performs directly opposite task. (usially -fr -lr are used to set first row and column to one, to process file cutted from large file separately and -A to change it back to mosaic(1) file into larger one.


lessa(1) , mappaint(1) , mapcopy(1) epp(5) , dgt(5)


No check is performed by -fr and -lr command to ensure that row/column values are in valid range.

-A command sometimes miscalculates one cell. (but EPPL ver 2.1 does the same).


Vitus Wagner, SoftWeyr.

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