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mosaic - merges several epp files together


mosaic [-%RA] [-O number] [-o filename] [--help][--version]files


Mosaic merges several epp-files into one. If some cell has non-offsite value in several files, value from last files would be used.

Cell sizes of all old files must be equial. Usially mosaic deals with properly aligned files, but it can deal with misaligned files, taking into account row/column or alternative coordinates regarding to command-line options.

If offsite value is not explicitely given in command line, it defaults to offsite of first (base) file if it is not used as data class in one of overlay files. In last case offsite would be set to 255 for 8-bit and to 65535 to 16-bit files.



displays brief usage information.
displays version number
Displays percentage of processed lines in file.
-o file --output-file=file
gives the name for output file. Defaults to mosaic.out.epp
-A --force-alt
Do not complain, if files are misaligned. Use alternate coordinates to reference them.
-R --force-row
Same, but use row/col cordinates.

-O value --offsite=value
specifies offsite value of new file.


eheader(1) ,window(1)


Victor B. Wagner <>



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