raise PKeyError("Error generating key")
return PKey(ptr=key,cansign=True)
+ def exportpub(self,format="PEM"):
+ """
+ Returns public key as PEM or DER structure.
+ """
+ b=Membio()
+ if format == "PEM":
+ r=libcrypto.PEM_write_bio_PUBKEY(b.bio,self.key)
+ else:
+ r=libcrypto.i2d_PUBKEY_bio(b.bio,self.key)
+ if r==0:
+ raise PKeyError("error serializing public key")
+ return str(b)
+ def exportpriv(self,format="PEM",password=None,cipher=None):
+ """
+ Returns public key as PEM or DER Structure.
+ If password and cipher are specified, encrypts key
+ on given password, using given algorithm. Cipher must be
+ an ctypescrypto.cipher.CipherType object
+ """
+ b=Membio()
+ if cipher is None:
+ evp_cipher=None
+ else:
+ if password is None:
+ raise NotImplementedError("Interactive password entry is not supported")
+ evp_cipher=cipher.cipher
+ if format == "PEM":
+ r=libcrypto.PEM_write_bio_PrivateKey(b.bio,self.key,evp_cipher,_cb,
+ password)
+ else:
+ if cipher is not None:
+ raise NotImplementedError("Der-formatted encrypted keys are not supported")
+ r=libcrypto.i2d_PrivateKey_bio(b.bio,self.key)
+ if r==0:
+ raise PKeyError("error serializing private key")
+ return str(b)
def _configure_context(ctx,opts,skip=[]):
from ctypes import c_void_p
from ctypescrypto.bio import Membio
+from ctypescrypto.pkey import Pkey
from ctypescrypto.exception import LibCryptoError
from crypescrypto import libcrypto
+class X509Error(LibCryptoError):
+ pass
class X509Name:
def __init__(self,ptr):
def __del__(self):
def __str__(self):
+ b=Membio()
+ libcrypto.X509_NAME_print_ex(b.bio,self.ptr,0,PRING_FLAG)
+ return str(b).decode("utf-8")
def __len__(self):
return libcrypto.X509_NAME_entry_count(self.ptr)
def __getattr__(self,key):
def __setattr__(self,key,val):
class X509_extlist:
class X509:
- def __init__(self,ptr):
- self.cert = ptr
+ def __init__(self,data=None,ptr=None,format="PEM"):
+ if ptr is not None:
+ if data is not None:
+ raise TypeError("Cannot use data and ptr simultaneously")
+ self.cert = ptr
+ elif data is None:
+ raise TypeError("data argument is required")
+ b=Membio(data)
+ if format == "PEM":
+ self.cert=libcrypto.PEM_read_bio_X509(b.bio,None,None,None)
+ else:
+ self.cert=libcrypto.d2i_X509_bio(b.bio,None)
+ if self.cert is None:
+ raise X509Error("error reading certificate")
def __del__(self):
def __str__(self):
""" Returns der string of the certificate """
+ b=Membio()
+ if libcrypto.i2d_X509_bio(b.bio,self.cert)==0:
+ raise X509Error("error serializing certificate")
def pubkey(self):
""" Returns EVP PKEy object of certificate public key"""
- return PKey(libcrypto.X509_get_pubkey(self.cert,False)
+ return PKey(ptr=libcrypto.X509_get_pubkey(self.cert,False))
def verify(self,key):
""" Verify self on given issuer key """
- def frompem(s):
- """ Create X509 object from pem string """
- def fromder(s):
- """ Create X509 object from der string """
def subject(self):
return X509Name(libcrypto.X509_get_subject_name(self.cert))
def issuer(self):