test -skip {![file exists test.crl]} "Displaying CRL" {
- grep "(Serial|Version|Signature Alg|Issuer)" [openssl "crl -text -noout -in test.crl"]
+ regsub -all " = " [grep "(Serial|Version|Signature Alg|Issuer)" [openssl "crl -text -noout -in test.crl"] ] "="
} 0 " Version 2 (0x1)
Signature Algorithm: [hash_with_sign_long_name $ca_alg]
- Issuer: C = RU, L = Moscow, CN = Test CA $ca_alg, O = Cryptocom, OU = OpenSSL CA, emailAddress = openssl@cryptocom.ru
+ Issuer: C=RU, L=Moscow, CN=Test CA $ca_alg, O=Cryptocom, OU=OpenSSL CA, emailAddress=openssl@cryptocom.ru
$serial_list Signature Algorithm: [hash_with_sign_long_name $ca_alg]
set certs [regexp -all -inline -- {-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----.*?-----END CERTIFICATE-----} [getFile signer.certs]]
foreach cert $certs {
makeFile cert[incr i].pem $cert
- lappend subjs [grep subject [openssl "x509 -in cert$i.pem -subject -noout"]]
+ lappend subjs [regsub -all " = " [grep subject [openssl "x509 -in cert$i.pem -subject -noout"]] "=" ]
lsort $subjs
-} 0 "{subject=C = RU, O = Cryptocom, OU = OpenSSL Team, CN = USER1_$length, emailAddress = test@cryptocom.ru
-} {subject=C = RU, O = Cryptocom, OU = OpenSSL Team, CN = USER2_$length, emailAddress = test@cryptocom.ru
+} 0 "{subject=C=RU, O=Cryptocom, OU=OpenSSL Team, CN=USER1_$length, emailAddress=test@cryptocom.ru
+} {subject=C=RU, O=Cryptocom, OU=OpenSSL Team, CN=USER2_$length, emailAddress=test@cryptocom.ru
test -createsfiles cms_signed2_1_$length\_op.msg "Signing opaque in S/MIME format with 1st signature" {
set certs [regexp -all -inline -- {-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----.*?-----END CERTIFICATE-----} [getFile signer.certs]]
foreach cert $certs {
makeFile cert[incr i].pem $cert
- lappend subjs [grep subject [openssl "x509 -in cert$i.pem -subject -noout"]]
+ lappend subjs [regsub -all " = " [grep subject [openssl "x509 -in cert$i.pem -subject -noout"]] "=" ]
lsort $subjs
-} 0 "{subject=C = RU, O = Cryptocom, OU = OpenSSL Team, CN = USER1_$length, emailAddress = test@cryptocom.ru
-} {subject=C = RU, O = Cryptocom, OU = OpenSSL Team, CN = USER2_$length, emailAddress = test@cryptocom.ru
+} 0 "{subject=C=RU, O=Cryptocom, OU=OpenSSL Team, CN=USER1_$length, emailAddress=test@cryptocom.ru
+} {subject=C=RU, O=Cryptocom, OU=OpenSSL Team, CN=USER2_$length, emailAddress=test@cryptocom.ru
test -createsfiles cms_signed2_1_$length\_det.asn "Signing detached in DER format with 1st signature" {
set certs [regexp -all -inline -- {-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----.*?-----END CERTIFICATE-----} [getFile signer.certs]]
foreach cert $certs {
makeFile cert_asn[incr i].pem $cert
- lappend subjs [grep subject [openssl "x509 -in cert_asn$i.pem -subject -noout"]]
+ lappend subjs [regsub -all " = " [grep subject [openssl "x509 -in cert$i.pem -subject -noout"]] "=" ]
lsort $subjs
-} 0 "{subject=C = RU, O = Cryptocom, OU = OpenSSL Team, CN = USER1_$length, emailAddress = test@cryptocom.ru
-} {subject=C = RU, O = Cryptocom, OU = OpenSSL Team, CN = USER2_$length, emailAddress = test@cryptocom.ru
+} 0 "{subject=C=RU, O=Cryptocom, OU=OpenSSL Team, CN=USER1_$length, emailAddress=test@cryptocom.ru
+} {subject=C=RU, O=Cryptocom, OU=OpenSSL Team, CN=USER2_$length, emailAddress=test@cryptocom.ru
test -createsfiles cms_signed2_1_$length.msg "Signing in S/MIME format with 1st signature" {
set certs [regexp -all -inline -- {-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----.*?-----END CERTIFICATE-----} [getFile signer.certs]]
foreach cert $certs {
makeFile cert_cms[incr i].pem $cert
- lappend subjs [grep subject [openssl "x509 -in cert_cms$i.pem -subject -noout"]]
+ lappend subjs [regsub -all " = " [grep subject [openssl "x509 -in cert$i.pem -subject -noout"]] "=" ]
lsort $subjs
-} 0 "{subject=C = RU, O = Cryptocom, OU = OpenSSL Team, CN = USER1_$length, emailAddress = test@cryptocom.ru
-} {subject=C = RU, O = Cryptocom, OU = OpenSSL Team, CN = USER2_$length, emailAddress = test@cryptocom.ru
+} 0 "{subject=C=RU, O=Cryptocom, OU=OpenSSL Team, CN=USER1_$length, emailAddress=test@cryptocom.ru
+} {subject=C=RU, O=Cryptocom, OU=OpenSSL Team, CN=USER2_$length, emailAddress=test@cryptocom.ru
set certs [regexp -all -inline -- {-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----.*?-----END CERTIFICATE-----} [getFile signer.certs]]
foreach cert $certs {
makeFile cert[incr i].pem $cert
- lappend subjs [grep subject [openssl "x509 -in cert$i.pem -subject -noout"]]
+ lappend subjs [regsub -all " = " [grep subject [openssl "x509 -in cert$i.pem -subject -noout"]] "=" ]
lsort $subjs
-} 0 "{subject=C = RU, O = Cryptocom, OU = OpenSSL Team, CN = USER1_$length, emailAddress = test@cryptocom.ru
-} {subject=C = RU, O = Cryptocom, OU = OpenSSL Team, CN = USER2_$length, emailAddress = test@cryptocom.ru
+} 0 "{subject=C=RU, O=Cryptocom, OU=OpenSSL Team, CN=USER1_$length, emailAddress=test@cryptocom.ru
+} {subject=C=RU, O=Cryptocom, OU=OpenSSL Team, CN=USER2_$length, emailAddress=test@cryptocom.ru
test -createsfiles signed2_1_$length\_op.msg "Signing opaque in S/MIME format with 1st signature" {
set certs [regexp -all -inline -- {-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----.*?-----END CERTIFICATE-----} [getFile signer.certs]]
foreach cert $certs {
makeFile cert[incr i].pem $cert
- lappend subjs [grep subject [openssl "x509 -in cert$i.pem -subject -noout"]]
+ lappend subjs [regsub -all " = " [grep subject [openssl "x509 -in cert$i.pem -subject -noout"]] "=" ]
lsort $subjs
-} 0 "{subject=C = RU, O = Cryptocom, OU = OpenSSL Team, CN = USER1_$length, emailAddress = test@cryptocom.ru
-} {subject=C = RU, O = Cryptocom, OU = OpenSSL Team, CN = USER2_$length, emailAddress = test@cryptocom.ru
+} 0 "{subject=C=RU, O=Cryptocom, OU=OpenSSL Team, CN=USER1_$length, emailAddress=test@cryptocom.ru
+} {subject=C=RU, O=Cryptocom, OU=OpenSSL Team, CN=USER2_$length, emailAddress=test@cryptocom.ru
test -createsfiles signed2_1_$length\_det.asn "Signing detached in DER format with 1st signature" {
set certs [regexp -all -inline -- {-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----.*?-----END CERTIFICATE-----} [getFile signer.certs]]
foreach cert $certs {
makeFile cert_asn[incr i].pem $cert
- lappend subjs [grep subject [openssl "x509 -in cert_asn$i.pem -subject -noout"]]
+ lappend subjs [regsub -all " = " [grep subject [openssl "x509 -in cert$i.pem -subject -noout"]] "=" ]
lsort $subjs
-} 0 "{subject=C = RU, O = Cryptocom, OU = OpenSSL Team, CN = USER1_$length, emailAddress = test@cryptocom.ru
-} {subject=C = RU, O = Cryptocom, OU = OpenSSL Team, CN = USER2_$length, emailAddress = test@cryptocom.ru
+} 0 "{subject=C=RU, O=Cryptocom, OU=OpenSSL Team, CN=USER1_$length, emailAddress=test@cryptocom.ru
+} {subject=C=RU, O=Cryptocom, OU=OpenSSL Team, CN=USER2_$length, emailAddress=test@cryptocom.ru
test -createsfiles signed2_1_$length.msg "Signing in S/MIME format with 1st signature" {
set certs [regexp -all -inline -- {-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----.*?-----END CERTIFICATE-----} [getFile signer.certs]]
foreach cert $certs {
makeFile cert_smime[incr i].pem $cert
- lappend subjs [grep subject [openssl "x509 -in cert_smime$i.pem -subject -noout"]]
+ lappend subjs [regsub -all " = " [grep subject [openssl "x509 -in cert$i.pem -subject -noout"]] "=" ]
lsort $subjs
-} 0 "{subject=C = RU, O = Cryptocom, OU = OpenSSL Team, CN = USER1_$length, emailAddress = test@cryptocom.ru
-} {subject=C = RU, O = Cryptocom, OU = OpenSSL Team, CN = USER2_$length, emailAddress = test@cryptocom.ru
+} 0 "{subject=C=RU, O=Cryptocom, OU=OpenSSL Team, CN=USER1_$length, emailAddress=test@cryptocom.ru
+} {subject=C=RU, O=Cryptocom, OU=OpenSSL Team, CN=USER2_$length, emailAddress=test@cryptocom.ru