from ctypescrypto import libcrypto
-from ctypes import c_char_p, c_int, string_at
+from ctypes import c_char_p, c_void_p, c_int, string_at, c_long,POINTER,byref, create_string_buffer
class Membio:
Provides interface to OpenSSL memory bios
def __del__(self):
def __str__(self):
- l=BIO_get_mem_data(,byref(p))
+ l=libcrypto.BIO_ctrl(,3,0,byref(p))
return string_at(p,l)
+ def read(self,length=None):
+ if not length is None:
+ if type(length)!=type(0):
+ raise TypeError("length to read should be number")
+ buf=create_string_buffer(length)
+ readbytes=libcrypto.BIO_read(,buf,length)
+ if readbytes==-2:
+ raise NotImplementedError("Function is not supported by this BIO")
+ if readbytes==-1:
+ raise IOError
+ if readbytes==0:
+ return ""
+ return buf.raw[:readbytes]
+ else:
+ buf=create_string_buffer(1024)
+ out=""
+ r=1
+ while r>0:
+ r=libcrypto.BIO_read(,buf,1024)
+ if r==-2:
+ raise NotImplementedError("Function is not supported by this BIO")
+ if r==-1:
+ raise IOError
+ if (r>0):
+ out+=buf.raw[:r]
+ return out
+ def write(self,data):
+ r=libcrypto.BIO_write(,data,len(data))
+ if r==-2:
+ raise NotImplementedError("Function not supported by this BIO")
+ if r<len(data):
+ raise IOError("Not all data were successfully written")
#FIXME TODO - BIO should have stream-like interface
--- /dev/null
+from import Membio
+import unittest
+class TestRead(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_readshortstr(self):
+ s="A quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog"
+ bio=Membio(s)
+ del bio
+ self.assertEqual(data,s)
+ def test_readlongstr(self):
+ poem='''Eyes of grey--a sodden quay,
+Driving rain and falling tears,
+As the steamer wears to sea
+In a parting storm of cheers.
+Sing, for Faith and Hope are high--
+None so true as you and I--
+Sing the Lovers' Litany:
+"Love like ours can never die!"
+Eyes of black--a throbbing keel,
+Milky foam to left and right;
+Whispered converse near the wheel
+In the brilliant tropic night.
+Cross that rules the Southern Sky!
+Stars that sweep and wheel and fly,
+Hear the Lovers' Litany:
+Love like ours can never die!"
+Eyes of brown--a dusty plain
+Split and parched with heat of June,
+Flying hoof and tightened rein,
+Hearts that beat the old, old tune.
+Side by side the horses fly,
+Frame we now the old reply
+Of the Lovers' Litany:
+"Love like ours can never die!"
+Eyes of blue--the Simla Hills
+Silvered with the moonlight hoar;
+Pleading of the waltz that thrills,
+Dies and echoes round Benmore.
+"Mabel," "Officers," "Goodbye,"
+Glamour, wine, and witchery--
+On my soul's sincerity,
+"Love like ours can never die!"
+Maidens of your charity,
+Pity my most luckless state.
+Four times Cupid's debtor I--
+Bankrupt in quadruplicate.
+Yet, despite this evil case,
+And a maiden showed me grace,
+Four-and-forty times would I
+Sing the Lovers' Litany:
+"Love like ours can never die!"'''
+ bio=Membio(poem)
+ self.assertEqual(data,poem)
+ del bio
+ def test_readparts(self):
+ s="A quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"
+ bio=Membio(s)
+ self.assertEqual(a,s[0:10])
+ self.assertEqual(b,s[10:19])
+ self.assertEqual(c,s[19:])
+ self.assertEqual(d,"")
+class TestWrite(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_write(self):
+ b=Membio()
+ b.write("A quick brown ")
+ b.write("fox jumps over ")
+ b.write("the lazy dog.")
+ self.assertEqual(str(b),"A quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.")
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()