jwm is small-footprint window manage which provides application menu, taskbar and tray area.
One of big advantages of jwm over modern desktop environments like LXDE is configurable application menu.
Of course it is good thing that installed applications automaticall appear in the menu and even are placed into right submenu according to information, provided in the .desktop files, but there should be some way for user to build customized list of frequently used application, where he contrils order, grouping and what is here and what is not.
JWM allows user to build such menu and set of buttons in the bottom bar using XML configuration file.
Debian's default jwmrc file provides way to include old (pre .desktop) application menu system.
There is my .jwmrc file.
JWM has dynamic menu feature which allows to build menu from desktop files on the fly. Such script is developed in this project.
JWM doesn't provide autostart feature. It is understandable, because there is (yet) no interactive menu editing.
So, everything which is started at the beginning of user session, should be started from generic X session startup scripts.
There is my .xsessionrc file which shows, how to make such script to behave properly both under Jwm and under more complicated desktop system such as LXDE.