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Formerly, the rupee (11.66 g, .917 fine silver) was divided into 16 annas, 64 paise, or 192 pies.

(рупия – 11.6 граммов серебра, фунт стерлингов – 103 грамма серебра, то есть 9 рупий составляют фунт стерлингов

Each circulating coin of British India and later India and Pakistan, until the rupee was decimalised, had a different name in practice. A paisa was equal to two dhelas, three pies and six damarees. While a coin was minted for pie after independence in Pakistan for a very short period, a dhela and a damaree were never minted. Other coins for two paisas (taka), two annas (dawannee), four annas (a chawanee, or a quarter of a rupee), eight annas (an atthannee, or half a rupee) were widely in use until decimalization in 1961.The names of these coins denotes the numeral of their value in annas in Urdu except taka (two paisas or half an anna).

рупия (rupee)
аттханни (atthanee) 1/2 рупии
чавани (chawanee) - 1/4 рупии
давани (dawanee) - 1/8 рупии
анна (anna) -1/16 рупии
така (taka) 2 пайзы 1/2 анна
пайза (paisa) 1/4 анна 1/64 рупии
дхела (dhela) 1/2 пайзы 1/8 аннв 1/128 рупии
пай (pie) 1/3 пайзы 1/12 анна 1/192 рупии
двмари (damaree) 1/6 пайзы 1/384 рупии.

Mohur Мухр

Золотая монета, чеканившаяся со середины XVI в параллельно с рупией. Весил примерно столько же, стоил в 15 раз дороже.

Выпускались монеты в 2/3 мухра (10 рупий) 1/3

Самая крупная в мире монета - золотая монета в 200 мухров (более 2 кг, 136 мм диаметром) выпущена в 1654.

Dam Дам

Мелкая медная монета.

Watch Your Language lists the coin as one of the possible sources for the English phrase “I don't give a dam[n]″, due to its small worth, but provides other sources as well.