Dhoonidaih Waugh или Dhoondiah Vagh
В момент штурма Серингапатама сидел в тамошних подземельях, ожидая казни. Воспользовавшись штурмом, сбежал.
Собрал армию из нескольких тысяч (не менее 5000 человек) с артиллерией, в основном из разбежавшихся солдат армии Типу Султана и провозгласил себя королем Мира.
Армия отличалась высокой мобильностью, так как не имела лишнего имущества.
В конце концов Артур Уэлсли c 1200 кавалеристов его зажал и убил в бою
Из книги "The Life of Arthur Duke of Wellington":
n the dungeons of Seringapatam there lay, at the period of its capture, a notable robber, by name Dhoondiah Waugh. He was one of those adventurers whom we meet with only in the East, who by courage and a certain amount of ability raise themselves suddenly to influence, and not unfrequently fall again as suddenly as they rose. Captured by Tippoo, he had been reserved for a painful death, which he escaped by the bursting open of his prison-doors when Seringapatam fell to the English. He fled, and soon gathered round him some thousands of desperate men, chiefly the wreck of Tippoo's army. With these he ravaged the country in every direction, the numbers of his followers increasing in proportion to his success. Against that man, who assumed the title of King of the World, Colonel Wellesley found it necessary to equip a force, and began at the head of it a campaign of the most extraordinary marches that had ever been performed in India.
Dhoondiah's people, unencumbered with baggage, moved from place to place with great rapidity. Their intelligence also was excellent, and for a while they managed to elude their pursuers. But perseverance and skill overcame all obstacles in the end, and Colonel Wellesley came up with them and twice struck them hard. Both affairs were those of cavalry alone. The first occurred on the 29th of July close to the Malpurda river, through which Dhoondiah was driven with the loss of his artillery. The second took place near the village of Correahgall with much more decisive results. With 1200 horse. Colonel Wellesley charged and overthrew 5000 of the enemy, cutting his way through, dispersing, and riding them down with great slaughter. Among the killed was Dhoondiah himself, and among the prisoners his son, a mere child, whom some troopers found concealed in a baggage waggon, and brought to their commander. Colonel Wellesley was greatly touched with the piteous condition of the boy, and not only received him kindly at the moment, but took him permanently under his protection. I have not been able to ascertain what ultimately became of that youth, but I know that his protector bestowed upon him a good education, and that before quitting India he made such arrangements as secured to the lad a fair start in life.
The operations against Dhoondiah, besides being brilliant in themselves, were the more creditable to Colonel Wellesley that while they were yet in progress it was proposed to him to resign the government of Mysore, and to assume the command of a body of troops which the governor-general thought of employing in the reduction of Batavia. To men of ordinary minds, such a sure prospect of acquiring both wealth and reputation would have been irresistible, but now, as at all stages in his wondrous career, duty was with Colonel Wellesley the great principle of action. Others might succeed in reducing Batavia, or they might fail; it was certain that if he interrupted his close pursuit of Dhoondiah for a day, the freebooter would escape. He preferred, therefore, that his own interests should suffer, than that an object important to the well-being of the country should miscarry. Besides, the Mahrattas were beginning to be restless again, and he could not venture to break up his little army till he saw in what their movement should end. It ended for the present in a return to a state of quietude, and then, and only then, he declared himself ready for active service in any part of the world.