Sir William Congreve, 2nd Baronet 1772-1828
Сын контролера лабораторий Вулвичского Королевского Арсенала, Sir William Congreve, 1st Baronet Получил звание Magister of Arts в Кембридже в 1796. В нашей реальности до 1804 года развлекался политической публицистикой, а потом занялся передиранием ракетного оружия с ирландских (Роберт Эммет) и майсурских образцов. Вероятно, не без влияния папаши.
Возможно, в данной реальности будет передирать у делийского султаната не столько ракеты, сколько другие интересные в военном отношении технологии, например электрический телеграф.
Besides his rockets, Congreve was a prolific (if indifferently successful) inventor for the remainder of his life. Congreve invented a gun-recoil mounting, a time-fuze, a rocket parachute attachment, a hydropneumatic canal lock and sluice (1813), a perpetual motion machine, a process of colour printing (1821) which was widely used in Germany, a new form of steam engine, and a method of consuming smoke (which was applied at the Royal Laboratory). He also took out patents for a clock in which time was measured by a ball rolling along a zig-zag track on an inclined plane; for protecting buildings against fire; inlaying and combining metals; unforgeable bank note paper; a method of killing whales by means of rockets; improvements in the manufacture of gunpowder; stereotype plates; fireworks; and gas meters. Congreve was named as comptroller of the Royal Laboratory at Woolwich from 1814 until his death. (Congreve's father Sir William Congreve had also held the same post.)
Конгрев лично командовал ракетными батареями в Битве народов под Лейпцигом. Имел звание подполковника ганноверской армии.
Его отец получил звание баронета в 1812.