Postgres failover

Oracle Connect string syntax


tnsnames.ora File Example

In a tnsnames.ora file, connection information for Oracle services is associated with a net service name. The following code example shows connection information in a tnsnames.ora file configured for an Oracle RAC system identified by the net service name entry, ARMSTRONG.ACCT.

 (ADDRESS= (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = server1)(PORT = 1521))
 (ADDRESS= (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = server2)(PORT = 1521))
 (ADDRESS= (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = server3)(PORT = 1521))
 (FAILOVER = on)

If the DataDirect Connect for ADO.NET Oracle data provider referenced the net service name entry ARMSTRONG.ACCT as shown in this example, the data provider would connect to the Oracle RAC system identified by the service name

( In addition, the data provider would enable connection failover (FAILOVER=on) and client load balancing (LOAD_BALANCE=on) for all connections to that system.

Alternatively, DataDirect Connect for ADO.NET provides a way to enable connection failover and client load balancing through options specified in the data provider connection string. For example, the connection string in the following code example enables both of these features:

    DbProviderFactory Factory = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory("DDTek.Oracle");
    DbConnection Conn = Factory.CreateConnection();
    Conn.ConnectionString = 
    "Host=server1;Port=1521;Service Name=ORCL;"+
    "Alternate Servers="Host=server2;Port=1521;Service Name=TEST,"+ 
    "Host=;Port=1600;Service Name=TEST2";"+ 
    "Load Balancing=true"; 