Artifact [5760063e08]
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Artifact 5760063e08391205d6529d20eae9d5b2bd834a57:

Wiki page [Software requirements] by vitus on 2015-12-18 09:13:58.
D 2015-12-18T09:13:58.126
L Software\srequirements
P c7ae87b526161c8edd4c9c1d0e6b421a49d6cb3c
U vitus
W 365
Following software is needed to present

  #  qemu 2.x 
  #  qemu-utils (especially qemu-img)
  #  lsusb
  #  bridge-utils
  #  some dhcp and dns servers, preferable dnsmasq, which serve both purposes
  #  python 2.7 to execute vws script
  #  SPICE client to connect to virtual machine GUI. In Debian it is remote-viewer program in the virt-viewer package.
Z d9a2c24c323f088108d81676bd595175