Artifact [69d3729531]
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Artifact 69d3729531325802a3693030226c0053bcc35ede:

Wiki page [vm script] by admin on 2015-07-17 11:47:35.
D 2015-07-17T11:47:35.094
L vm\sscript
U admin
W 510
Virtual machine description is an executable shell script, which launches QEMU with approppriate options. If you move around machine directory, you can launch machine in the background even if no VWS is installed in the target machine.

Script format:

   #   She-bang line
   #   Setting and exporting of environment variables, controling QEMU audio
   #   qemu binary name + backsash
   #   device options, one device per line

Script is named start and placed into [virtual machine directory]

Z 6338bc109fa0cba54c12f6c7c90c1ea8