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Wiki page [vws.conf] by vitus on 2015-12-18 08:15:55.
D 2015-12-18T08:15:55.186
L vws.conf
N text/x-markdown
U vitus
W 3065
Configuration file for [vws], which uses standard .ini format.

There are following sections

    [create options]

Directories section

Contain two parameters: **SharedVMs** and **AutostartVMs**. Both are directories where system-wide vms are stored. 

Shared VMs are VMs which are accessable for all members of **kvm** group, but must be started or stopped manually.

Autostart VMs are started automatically on boot of host. 

If you are using more or less sensible disk layout, i.e. create separate partitions for /usr and /var, you probably want to tune this parameters, because you don't want to store your vms in the /var/cache. 

It is recommended to have both these directories on the same partition, so moving VM from autostart to shared and vice versa would not involve physically copying of the files.

**NB** *autostart is planned for version 0.3*

Create options

See [#381a103023](tktview?name=381a103023)

This section list default values, used by [vws](wiki?name=vws) **create** to create new virtual machines. 

Following parameters can be used:

* **net=user** or **net=**_inteface name_ - network type by default. Can be either **user** or name of existing brige interface. If you have [set up bridge](wiki?name=Setting+up+bridge+interface), you'll probably want to specify name of bridge interface here.
* **size=**_virtual disk size* - size of the disk image to create by default. 20G is probably big enough for most modern OS-es and small enough to fit on the modern disks. Note that we use **qcow2** format, so all disk space is not preallocated. You can use G or M suffixes to specify size.

* **mem=**_memory size_ - default memory size. Also can have M or G suffix.

* **diskif=**_interface_ where _interface_ can be **ide**, **scsi** or **virtio**. Disk interface. **virtio** offer best performance, but only if supported by quest operating system. **ide** offers best compatibilty. Windows vms must be created with ide, although it is possible to convert to virtio after installation.

* **arch=**_architecture_ In most cases your choice is limited between **i386** and **x86_64**. Although you probably have qemu binaries for many other architectures, and it is theoretically possible to use them, they would be emulated without hardware acceleration and require some queer QEMU parameters, which are not supported by **vws** now.

* **sound=**_list of sound cards)  specify which sound cards are emulated in the virtual machine. In most cases **hda** is all you need. But qemu supports long list of sound cards which can be found out by typing:

        qemu-system-i386 -soundhw help

    You can specify several of them, separated by comma.

* **vga=**_type_ Type of emulated videoadapter **qxl** offers best performance with spice, but have mouse glitches with some old versions of X11. If you encounter such a problem, try to use some other type of videoadapter, listed on the manual page **qemu-system**(1).

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