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*vws* - manage Virtual Workstations


**vws create** *name* [ **--install** *isoimage* ]

**vws list**  [**--state**] [**--usb** ]

**vws start** *name* [**--no-gui**] [**--cdrom** *iso-image*]

**vws stop** *name* [**--hard**]

**vws save** *name*

**vws reset** *name*

**vws cdrom** [ **--id** *id* ] [ *iso-image* | **--eject *]

**vws usb attach** *name*  *pattern*

**vws usb detach** *name*  *pattern*

**vws usb attached** *name* 

**vws usb list** 

**vws snapshot** *name* [ *id* ]

**vws revert** *name* [ *id* ]

**vws commit** *name*

**vws snapshots**  *name*

**vws screenshot** *name* *filename.ppm*

**vws record** *name* *filename.wav*

**vws stoprecord**  *name*

**vws monitor** *name*

**vws spiceuri** *name*

**vws version** 


**vws** is thin scripting layer around **qemu-system**(1), which aims to
simplify common tasks for some usage scenarios. Note that **qemu** command
line is so complicated for good purpose, so any attempt to simplify it
would make some functionality unavailable.

**vws** is intended for software developers, who need to manually test
software on various systems, read documentation on them and experiment.
So, it is Virtual WorkStation system, not virtual servers or application

It aims to allow user play with virtual machines directly, bypassing
vws. User is allowed to alter **qemu** parameters directly in the
**vws**-generated startup scripts and connect to monitor typing monitor
commands by hand. Copying virtual workstation from one host to another
is just a matter of transferring several files. 


**vws create** command creates basic layout of the virtual machine -
virtual disk image and startup script and optionally starts installation
process connecting specified ISO-image to virtual CD-ROM drive.

It is also possible to create new machine with copy of existing virtual

Options of **create** commands allow to alter hardware configuration
(memory and disk size, disk interface, sound hardware, video card
disable sound and usb altogether).

What is hardcoded into **vws** system is that

1. Use unix domain socket in the same directory as startup script for
monitor. vws script rely of the existence of this script.
2. Use of **qcow2** image format. Without it, snapshots and saving VM
state would not work
3. Use spice as GUI protocol. It is only protocol which allows to share
clipboard of quest with clipboard of host, and redirect USB devices via

Shared or personal VWs

**vws** support creation of personal and shared VWs. Personal VWs is
created in the user home directory and accessible only for owner. Shared
VWs are created in some system wide directory and accessible for the
members of some group. By default it use **kvm** group, since only
members of this group have read-write access use kernel virtualisation 
module, and it greatly improves performance of qemu for compatible

VWs networking

**qemu** support various ways to connect virtual machine to network.
**vws** support only two of them - user mode network stack or bridged
network. By default VW is created with user mode network stack, which
basically means that it can establish outgoing TCP connections, but
there is no way to connect to it from outside world. (There is ways to
forward host ports to virtual machine in QEMU, but you'll have to hack
startup script manually to use it in the **vws** created machine).

Other way is bridged networking. I.e. each virtual machine would create
tun interface which would be connected to some bridge.

To use this mode, you have to perform following setup tasks

1. Make qemu-bridge-helper utility setuid root. (it is designed to run
setuid root, but Debian doesn't install it such way). It is required to
allow qemu, started from non-root user to add interface to bridge.
2. Create bridge interface to use. You can have several bridges and
specify which one would be used on VW creation. Really, by manual
editing of the startup script, you can add several network interfaces to
VW and connect them to the different bridges.
3. Setup you host system to forward packets from bridge network to
outside internet. You can either use NAT, or include your ethernet
interface into bridge.
4. Make sure DHCP server is running in the bridge network. If your
ethernet interface is part of the bridge, VWs would get their dynamic IP
from your network router. If you use NAT, you'll need to run DHCP
server, for instance **dnsmasq**(8) on your host and make it serve your bridge
interface. You can live without DHCP on bridge, but it would be your
problem to configure IP address on each VW manually. If you are planning
to deploy many VWs with different operating systems, it is better to
have DHCP running.





**vws** allows to take virtual machine screenshot or record sound,
produced by virtual machine. One don't need to have GUI window open to
take screenshots.



