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50 most recent events occurring on or after 2015-07-17 11:40:19.

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Moved create functionality into main vws script check-in: 8f4a02281b user: vitus tags: trunk
More or less written command line interface to create vms. Fixed monitor path in the start.template check-in: e43aa4d9b2 user: vitus tags: trunk
Implemented list --state. Fixed first start of vm, when no monitor socket exists yet check-in: 33f6d5eeca user: vitus tags: trunk
Skip unexisting dirs in find_vm check-in: 2d6b5b3575 user: vitus tags: trunk
Implemented monitor. started usb code check-in: 48132590a1 user: vitus tags: trunk
Fixed launch of the viewer in start command check-in: cb26ea490c user: vitus tags: trunk
07:34 New ticket [0a4116f6ab] MAC assignment problem. artifact: 5dffea9ac4 user: vitus
Fix first screen of wizard check-in: c97821cce1 user: vitus tags: trunk
14:57 Changes to wiki page vws artifact: c1ec686b5f user: vitus
start to implement setup wizard check-in: c38a852bdf user: vitus tags: trunk
Fixed start option check-in: 64171aea54 user: vitus tags: trunk
Fixed running without config file check-in: d4f4a7b3f1 user: vitus tags: trunk
make some commands work. check-in: fa99d9b0d0 user: vitus tags: trunk
Added example of usb-redirection (1 port) to VM template) check-in: 9cb375894f user: vitus tags: trunk
18:24 Changes to wiki page QEMU and SPICE artifact: b55e34ba4f user: admin
implemented command-line parsing check-in: e7fb60a50e user: vitus tags: trunk
09:15 Changes to wiki page snapshot management artifact: 9bbc48d164 user: admin
09:05 Changes to wiki page simple scripts artifact: 34de425fc5 user: admin
20:48 Changes to wiki page QEMU monitor on unix domain socket artifact: 57ad59d6f6 user: vitus
make vm template script self-sufficient and eliminate vm conf because it conflicts with design goal - VWS VM moved to other host machine shouldn't require VWS, and should happily run with bare QEMU check-in: 9c13f0d95f user: vitus tags: trunk
19:33 Changes to wiki page vws artifact: 2e9516cc6e user: admin
19:30 Changes to wiki page vws artifact: a4d599ee5f user: admin
19:26 Changes to wiki page QEMU monitor on unix domain socket artifact: b11e667684 user: admin
19:21 Changes to wiki page Useful tips about QEMU artifact: 53dcd1ff3e user: admin
18:15 Changes to wiki page monitor locking artifact: 8497b9b25c user: admin
18:03 Changes to wiki page simple scripts artifact: 1d8fd02896 user: admin
18:03 Changes to wiki page simple scripts artifact: 17bdc9582f user: admin
18:02 Changes to wiki page Virtual WorkStation artifact: 06fe097172 user: admin
18:35 Changes to wiki page QEMU as script interpreter artifact: 34a08bef57 user: vitus
Initial files check-in: fa53a2f55d user: vitus tags: trunk
15:23 Changes to wiki page vmgui artifact: aacb901b0a user: vitus
13:31 Changes to wiki page graphic console artifact: 2dc5e91c9f user: vitus
13:31 Changes to wiki page graphic console artifact: 865dfdf13b user: vitus
13:26 Changes to wiki page GUI artifact: 4bd209f844 user: vitus
12:38 Changes to wiki page bridgecfg artifact: 5bab80e2c3 user: admin
12:34 Changes to wiki page vmgui artifact: d66a49bcb3 user: admin
12:29 Changes to wiki page vws artifact: 369d4414a2 user: admin
12:25 Changes to wiki page simple scripts artifact: 0545253d64 user: admin
12:07 Changes to wiki page simple scripts artifact: d3775136a0 user: admin
12:06 Changes to wiki page vm script artifact: 1d12b796d5 user: admin
12:04 Changes to wiki page Virtual machine creator artifact: 51aac6162b user: admin
11:59 Changes to wiki page virtual machine directory artifact: cdd10653ed user: admin
11:58 Changes to wiki page virtual machine directory artifact: adbca4ff61 user: admin
11:56 Changes to wiki page project directory layout artifact: 4b4f25c1f1 user: admin
11:55 Changes to wiki page project directory layout artifact: 26d73ac333 user: admin
11:48 Changes to wiki page simple scripts artifact: e988677150 user: admin
11:47 Changes to wiki page vm script artifact: 69d3729531 user: admin
11:44 Changes to wiki page simple scripts artifact: 874d76596f user: admin
11:41 Changes to wiki page Useful tips about QEMU artifact: e6616e17b4 user: admin
11:40 Changes to wiki page Virtual WorkStation artifact: 660683b5d4 user: admin
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